Welcome to the Lake Moovalya Keys website. The purpose of this site is to communicate and stay in touch with our members.

Lake Moovalya Keys Homeowner's Association
8670 Navajo Lane
Parker, Arizona 85344
(928) 667-4484

Paul Gooding - General Manager
(928) 667-4484 (tel)
Sue Thomson - Bookkeeper

Payments Remittance Address:
Lake Moovalya Keys
PO Box 4113
Paso Robles, CA 93446

Those unable to attend the meeting in person may
attend by Zoom.

Click here: Zoom dial-in instructions

The next monthly Board of Directors meeting will be held at 6:00 pm on Monday, November 4th 2024

Board Meetings are currently held the first Monday of the month
in Buckskin Fire Dept. unless it falls on a holiday.
8500 Riverside Drive, Parker, AZ