Board of Directors
Regular Meeting
DECEMBER 7, 2009
President Gary Svider called the regular meeting of the Lake Moovalya Keys Board of Directors to order at 6:07pm.
President: Gary Svider
Vice President: Jack Sweeney
Secretary/Treasurer: Chuck Baker (Absent)
Board Members: William (Squeak) Kossnar, Joe Price, Blane Coon, Laura Lancaster, Brandon Johnson and Chris Chambers
Board Members: Chuck Baker and Rob Troxler
Guests: Carla Faulkner (RGR)
General Manager: Cheryl Shockley
Legal Counsel: John C. Churchill (Absent)
Joe Price moved to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 2, 2009. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Joe Price moved to approve the November 2009 Balance Sheet. Discussion: Jack Sweeney asked if Meinen Lot 44 had paid the balance of $500 on their $1000 rental security deposit. Ms. Shockley stated that she did not know but if it was not indicated on the balance sheet, then they probably had not paid and she would ask Sue to follow up on it. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Jack Sweeney moved to approve the November 2009 Profit and Loss Statement. Discussion: Mr. Price asked if the Association actually carried workman’s comp. Ms. Shockley stated that Ms. Thomson had suggested to the Board several years ago that the Association needed to protect themselves against someone working on the property that was not covered, such as herself, even though the Association does not have payroll. Mr. Price said that he thought the cost was too high and asked that Ms. Thomson give the Board a break down of the rates that the Association was paying at the next meeting. Ms. Shockley said she would notify Sue of the request. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Joe Price made a motion to approve the Bookkeeper’s Report, November Prepaid Bills and Bills for Approval. Discussion: Mr. Price asked if we had purchased $326 worth of seed and Mr. Sweeney responded that included the fertilizer also. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Submitted by Sue Thompson
Mr. Arnold (Lot 209) is still threatening action with the Justice Court and the AZ Department of HOA, as he is still not satisfied with his reduced fine of $150. A copy of his nasty letter of 11/22/09 was faxed to Cheryl.
The Grybowski’s (Lot 201) have hired an attorney to fight the three reckless driving citations. John Churchill and Harvey Jackson of LHC have been corresponding with each other.
I believe we should return construction deposits to Lot 221 (Hanen) and Lot 18 (Herbst). Let me know if there is any reason why they should not be refunded. I received a rental security deposit from Lot 4 (Gravatt) and a construction deposit from Lot 61 (Bozeman). Ms. Shockley told the Board that she had notified Ms. Thomson to return Lot 18 (Herbst) construction deposit but not Lot 221 (Hanen).
No citations were issued this month.
Delinquent dues’ accounts and status are listed on the enclosed spreadsheet.
Mr. Sweeney made a motion to approve the November General Manager’s report. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Ms. Shockley reported that everyone had moved their trailers that were parked illegally except one trailer, which is parked on Vander Laan’s lot; she was told that this trailer would be moved after the first of the year due to the owner being ill.
Ms. Shockley stated that she had sent out letters to the following lots who had vehicles deemed as “storage” parked on the streets: Lots; 17, 45, 79, 68 and 95.
Ms. Shockley said that Mr. Price had located the parking rules, which included a diagram of the streets and how to park and what was considered storage. Ms. Lancaster suggested sending out the rules to the homeowners in the next mailing, she suggested using a different colored paper so as homeowners would notice it.
Ms. Shockley stated she received an estimate of $2000.00 to trim the oleanders to approximately 8 feet. This estimate includes the disposal of all debris under the oleanders. Jack Sweeney made a motion to approve Parker Tree Service bid of $2000 to trim the oleanders. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Ms. Shockley stated she received an estimate of $275.00 from Michael T to fix the trash area where blocks are missing.
Ms. Shockley said she had a received a call from ADEQ in response to a complaint about Brooke Water drainage pond. She said the ADEQ has asked Brooke water to shore up around the fence area where a small child or animal could get into the pond area and possibly drown.
Ms. Shockley said she had not received a call back from the Corp of Engineers concerning Brooke Water’s drainage of water from their tank down the hill onto the boat ramp and into the canal. She said this is creating a silt problem at the bottom of the ramp.
Mr. Svider reported that the County approved Lot 227 8920 Riverside Drive for their change from commercial to residential rating of R-1. Mr. Chambers reported that the May’s are planning on keeping the existing building on the lot and any new structure will have to comply with the County’s rules and the Association’s set backs. Mr. Price asked if the Association was OK with this. Mr. Sweeney said until plans are submitted there was nothing not to be ok with it.
Regular meeting adjourned to executive session at 6:42pm.
Meeting reconvened to regular session at 6:57pm
Action from the Executive Session
Mr. Kossnar made a motion to hire Josh Bolin of Carpenter, Hazelwood, Delgado and Wood to represent the Association in legal action against Lot 10, Robert Willoughby for noncompliance with the CC&R’s. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Jack Sweeney made a motion to give Chuck Baker an indefinite leave of absence from the Board due to medical reasons within his immediate family. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 7:02pm
Submitted by Recording Secretary, Cheryl Shockley