Board of Directors
Regular Meeting
NOVEMBER 3, 2008

President Gary Svider called the regular meeting of the Lake Moovalya Keys Board of Directors to order at 6:05 p.m.

President:  Gary Svider
Vice President:  Jack Sweeney
Secretary/Treasurer:  Chuck Baker
Board Members:  William (Squeak) Kossnar, Brandon Johnson, Laura Lancaster, Joe Maxwell and Larry St. George, Blane Coon and Chris Chambers
Board Members:  Al McPherson

Guests:  Carla Faulkner (Robert Gory Realty Property Manager), Amanda Maxwell Lot 238 and Gerald Vesley Lot 144
General Manager:  Cheryl Shockley
Legal Counsel:  John C. Churchill (Absent)

Mr. Coon moved to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 6, 2008.  The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.


Mr. Baker moved to approve the October 2008 Balance Sheet.  The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.

Mr. Sweeney moved to approve the October 2008 Profit and Loss Statement.  The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.

Lot 169 (Travis Caves) was rescued from foreclosure by his father.  Ms. Thomson resumed billing him, and he also received a collection letter.  Mrs. Robeson (Lot 57, which is in foreclosure) informed Ms. Thomson; they would not be making any further dues’ payments.  Rich Stow (lot 182) also has a house in Keys II, and that property is in foreclosure.  He is now delinquent with us, for the first time.  A total of 9 collection letters have been sent this month.  Within that group, lots 120 (Pratt), 169 (Caves) & 200 (Riddle) are in serious arrears.  A current AR Report is enclosed.

Lot clean up fines in the amount of $500, plus clean up fees were assessed to lots 120, 209 and 255.  White line citation fines were assessed to lots 21 and 144.  Lot 201 refuses to pay for their reckless driving citation, but they did not file a formal protest.  Lot 40 finally paid his fines. 

Lot 10 (Willoughby) paid his construction deposit, and the construction deposit for lot 253 (Dickinson) was refunded.

A prorated trash assessment was paid by the Richey’s (new VDMA owners) for their property at 8650 Moovalya Dr.

Ms. Thomson received her computer about two weeks ago and soon discovered it had a critical hardware issue, and it was sent back for repair one week ago.  

Ms. Shockley reported that she had spoken with Stan & Marjie Veld of Lot 119 (8723 Papago) about the stucco mud that was sprayed onto their house and wall from the Vega/Pratt house construction.  The Veld’s wanted to know if the construction deposit that Vega/Pratt had posted would cover repairing their property.  Mr. Baker said that the deposit only covered damage done to Keys property, or for clean up costs associated with the construction of the house.  Mr. Baker suggested that Vega/Pratt’s deposit not be returned until Veld’s house was properly taken care of.  Ms. Shockley stated that Vega/Pratt’s deposit would not be returned because they already had a $500 citation for not cleaning up their construction area and that they had numerous parking citations that needed to be taken care of.

Ms. Shockley reported that Mike Dyer of Mike’s Contracting had looked at the sinkhole on Apache at 8731 (Schroth), Mr. Dyer said at this time the sinkhole was not a concern and it would be too costly to repair at this time.  Mr. Dyer suggested that the Board keep an eye on the area.  Mr. Kossnar said that when it rained last time the sink area got larger.  Mr. Svider asked if it was the homeowner’s responsibility to fix because it was where the sewer was hooked up to the house? Ms. Shockley said she would keep an eye on the area and check on it the next time it rains.

Ms. Shockley reported on (4) properties that she was going to send letters to advising homeowners that they needed to do repairs to their docks.  Lot 209 Arnold at 8740 Hopi, the whole dock needs to be replaced, Lot 169 Cave 8923 Yaqui Loop, the dock needs major repair both on top and underneath the dock, Lot 25 Ventzke 8877 Moovalya Drive, the dock arms and carpet need to be repaired and Lot 175 Stull 8859 Yaqui Loop, metal beams need to be removed from vacant lot.  Ms. Shockley said the letter would give the homeowner or lot owner 60 days to fix the problem, which would fall in the time when the river would be lowered.  Mr. Sweeney asked Ms. Shockley to give the owner’s until January 31, 2009 in the letter she was sending out; he thought that would give them plenty of time to comply with the request.  Ms. Shockley reported that Lot 209 Arnold had taken up some of the damaged boards from their dock. 

Ms. Shockley stated that she is having problems with the services of Mike Roberts who is the groundskeeper for the Association.  Ms. Shockley reported that she had received a call from a homeowner who had told her that when Mr. Roberts was doing his job, he had cussed out the homeowner for him asking Mr. Roberts not to blow leaves and trash onto his property.  Ms. Shockley also reported that Mr. Roberts had not cleaned the weeds from the common lot and she had to have someone else do it, she also had this individual spray roundup on the common lot weed areas and around Lot 198 Coykendall’s, which Mr. Roberts was asked to do.   The Board asked Ms. Shockley to put together a job description and put the job out to bid.  Mr. Baker suggested that we tell Mr. Roberts the job was going out to bid and he was welcome to put in a new bid proposal for the job.  The Board also asked Ms. Shockley to advise Mr. Roberts that he needed to submit a monthly invoice to her for approval and if he did not do this he would not be paid.

Mr. Chambers reported that he was working on a proposal for raising the height limit.  He asked the Board if they wanted to go by the County’s Rules & Regulations or does the Board want to propose their own.  Mr. Baker read from last months minutes about Mr. St. George not remembering the survey of homeowners interested in raising the height.  Mr. Baker stated that at the 2005 Annual Meeting, Mr. St. George in Mr. Chamber’s absence presented the pros on the proposal and at that time 129 homeowners voted no, that was 76 percent of homeowners not in favor of raising the height limit.  Mr. Baker suggested that the Board should not waste their time in this matter any further.  Mr. St. George stated that at the Annual meeting in 2005 the proposal was not presented correct and that Mr. Sweeney told those there to vote against it this time and that the Board would go back and present a proposal that had the correct set backs that would work for everyone.  Mr. Sweeney said that he had stated that if the majority had voted for the Board to explore a height increase then he would then have gone ahead and researched the set back problems.  Mr. Baker said if Mr. Chambers and Mr. St. George wanted to pursue this issue it was wonderful but he did not want to waste any more time discussing the matter at the monthly meetings.  He suggested that they get some kind of a proposal for the Board to vote on.  A vote was taken on how many Board members would be in favor of voting on such proposal if it was presented correctly.  A vote was taken and it was found that the majority of the Board was not in favor of voting on such a proposal.  Mr. Coon said he would be in favor of exploring a height increase to 24’ as long as it is not 35’.  Mr. Kossnar said even though the majority of the Board was not in favor of exploring the issue further that Mr. Chambers and Mr. St. George could still go ahead and present a proposal.  It was decided that if the Height committee could come up with a proposal with all the information included the Board would vote on it to present it for a vote at the next annual meeting.

Nothing to report.

Mr. Svider advised the Board that he heard that the river would be lowered at least 10 feet in January and asked the Board if the would like to visit the issue of fixing the bridges while the water was down.  It was determined that Mr. Chambers and Ms. Shockley would get proposals for fixing the broken and missing boards on each bridge and address any other issues that need to be taken during the lowering of the river.  If possible Ms. Shockley and Mr. Chambers would bring these proposals to the next meeting so a decision could be made by the first of January 2009.

Mr. Maxwell presented a picture of the common lot that showed the erosion from the flash flood that occurred in August.  Mr. Maxwell suggested that the lot needed to be re-graveled and graded.  The Board asked Ms. Shockley to get a bid proposal from Mike’s Contracting to fix the erosion area and re-gravel the entire lot. 

The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 6:40pm


The meeting adjourned at 7:11pm
Submitted by Recording Secretary, Cheryl Shockley