Board of Directors
Regular Meeting
OCTOBER 6, 2008
President Gary Svider called the regular meeting of the Lake Moovalya Keys Board of Directors to order at 6:05 p.m.
President: Gary Svider
Vice President: Jack Sweeney
Secretary/Treasurer: Chuck Baker
Board Members: William (Squeak) Kossnar, Brandon Johnson, Laura Lancaster, Joe Maxwell and Larry St. George, Chris Chambers and Blane Coon
Board Members: Al McPherson
Guests: Carla Faulkner (Robert Gory Realty Property Manager), Gary Anslyn lot #113 and Rosemary Lancaster
General Manager: Cheryl Shockley
Legal Counsel: John C. Churchill
Chris Chambers moved to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 8, 2008. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
No Speakers
Jack Sweeney moved to approve the September 2008 Balance Sheet. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Jack Sweeney moved to approve the September 2008 Profit and Loss Statement. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Lot 100’s rental security deposit (Rohan) was returned (no longer renting).
No citations were issued. Late fees were charged to 10 lots. Sue charged a 10% late fee on all past-due fines per section 6.8 of the CC&R’s. There are several past-due fines on 5 lots. Lot 10 paid the $500 clean-up fine. Section 6.8 also states we can charge interest on past-due assessments at the “default rate of interest.”
Lot 57 (Gerald Robeson) is in foreclosure and set for Trustee’s Sale on 11/21/08 at 1:00 p.m. at the Courthouse.
Buckskin Sanitary District sent 2 certified mail notices for Public Lien Sales set for 10/15/08 at 1:00 p.m. at the Boat House for lots 57 and 137 (Lyle Rexroad).
Chris Chambers submitted his invoice for the block wall materials at lot 251 for $750. Also included in the invoice was a bill for $50 to “patch hole in driveway from rain at house next to wall”. Sue paid him $700 for the approved amount, and the balance of $100 is being listed on Bills for Approval. Mr. Svider asked the Board to amend the amount owed to Mr. Chambers from $100 to $150, $100 for the extra block and stucco and $50 for fixing the hole at the corner of the driveway. Mr. Sweeney also brought (2) invoices for approval for two new cameras for guard shack at $569.44 and $2.94 for materials to install cameras. Mr. Kossnar made a motion to approve the prepaid bills for payment for September and the extra $150.00 for Mr. Chambers work at lot 251 (Denim) and $572.38 for Mr. Sweeney’s invoices submitted for camera replacement for the guard shack. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Ms. Shockley reported that she sent clean up letters to the following lots: 120 Vega/Pratt, 209 Arnold, 255 Robeson, 209 Arnold, 208 Richards and 206 Seck. Ms. Shockley reported that lot 206 Seck had been cleaned.
Ms. Shockley reported that lot 209 dock was in an unsafe condition and asked the Board how they would like to proceed in making the dock safe. Ms. Shockley asked if there was a provision in the CC&R’s to make the homeowner, Mr. Arnold repair his dock to a safe condition. Ms. Shockley reported that she had brought the unsafe dock condition to property manager Bill Partridge of CB Real Estate 6 months ago and was told by Mr. Partridge at that time that Don Hoffman Construction was going to be building a new dock, but no plans or work had been done to the dock to date. Mr. St. George asked what the exact wording was in the CC&R’s concerning the upkeep of docks. It was noted that there was nothing specific about docks; Mr. Churchill suggested that you could use 12.6 Nuisances, when sending out a letter. Ms. Shockley quoted section 12.11 Safe Condition, which states that each owner maintain and keep his lot at all times in a safe, sound and sanitary condition and repair and shall correct any condition or refrain from any activity which might interfere with the reasonable enjoyment by others. Mr. Coon said even vacant lots need to keep their docks in a safe condition. Mr. Maxwell suggested that a group letter be sent out to all homeowners with docks needing repairs and Mr. Chambers suggested that this be done before the yearly lowering of the river so as homeowners could make arrangements to repair their docks in a timely manner. Ms. Shockley said she would take pictures of docks needing repairs and prepare a letter to each homeowner asking them to make the docks safe and sound.
Mr. Kossnar reported that Lot 120 Vega/Pratt had sprayed stucco onto the side of Stan Veld’s house lot 119. Ms. Kossnar also reported that Lot 120 had received a Certificate of Occupancy from Community Development without the house being in compliance. Mr. Kossnar stated that the roof is incomplete and there were no 911 (address numbers) posted. Mr. Baker made a motion that a letter be sent to Community Development asking why this house received its CO without these things being done. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Mr. Baker brought up the incident of homeowner Neil Lance submitting pictures of homeowners parked over the white lines and suggested that Ms. Shockley let Mr. Lance submit the pictures but advise him that there was nothing that could be done unless she witnessed the incident. If by chance that the vehicle was still parked incorrectly when she did her rounds she would then issue a citation for parking over the white line.
Ms. Shockley reported that she had spoken with Mike Roberts about his job performance and he said he would try better to do his job. Mr. Roberts told Ms. Shockley that she needed to let him know when it was time for him to trim the palm trees on Apache and Papago and when any bushes or trees needed trimming on Keys property. Ms. Shockley told Mr. Roberts that it was not her responsibility to inform him of these things every week, he needed to make a weekly inspection of the streets and bridges to determine if things needed to be done, he assured her he would do this in the future. Ms. Lancaster asked if Mr. Roberts was doing better at his job and Ms. Shockley stated that he had trimmed the remainder of the oleanders along the common lot and cleaned up the storm damage debris she had asked him to do, but that was all. Ms. Shockley asked what the exposed PVC pipe was at the exit gate. Mr. Sweeney said it was the ground loop sensor that opens the exit gate when you drive over the black top and that it was buried at one time and the weather has exposed it. Ms. Shockley stated that she would hire someone to rebury it.
Mr. Sweeney reported that he had received plans for Lot 10 Willoughby and the plans had been review by the Board and Mr. Churchill. Mr. Sweeney made a motion that the Board approve the plans on the condition that Mr. Willoughby have a survey done to locate the front pins on lot to assure the Association that he is incompliance with the 10 foot set back. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Mr. Chambers asked that the height issue put on next month’s agenda. Mr. Sweeney said that the Association already put out a survey and 60 percent of the HOA did not want to explore raising the height limit. Mr. St. George said he did not remember such survey, Mr. Chambers responded that it was on a small section of the quarterly dues statement several years ago. Mr. St. George stated that most people did not even read it. Mr. Baker suggested that Mr. Chambers put together a proposal to send out to the Association to see if anyone was interested in exploring the height issue further.
Mr. Chambers suggested that the Board look at bridge conditions, so if the water level comes down at the first of the year the Board is prepared to make repairs to the facia and such. Mr. Chambers said that PVC pipe and cable are hanging down from the bridge on Yaqui Loop.
Mr. Kossnar asked that a sinkhole on Apache Loop at lot 89 (Schroth) be looked at.
Mr. Chambers asked that the weeds be cut down on Coykendall’s lot 198. Mr. Sweeney thought that maybe there was a broken water line because weeds were so green. Mr. Kossnar suggested that weed killer be put on the weeds.
Nothing to report.
The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 6:50pm
Meeting readjourned at 7:00pm
Mr. Svider asked for the Board to entertain a motion on the increase to the General Manager’s salary and fuel cost allowance. Ms. Lancaster made a motion to increase the General Manager’s salary $200.00 per month and a $100.00 per month increase for fuel cost allowance. Effective the 15th of October. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 7:07pm
Submitted by Recording Secretary, Cheryl Shockley