Board of Directors
Regular Meeting
JANUARY 3, 2005

Vice-President Chris Chambers called the regular meeting of the Lake Moovalya Keys Board of Directors to order at 6:04 p.m.

Vice President: Chris Chambers
Board Members: Bill Risen, Bob Stroud, Jack Sweeney, Joe Maxwell, Squeak, Gary Svider, Joe Price

President: Chuck Baker
Board Members: Tonya McPherson, Trish Wikoff

Guests: Ken Ferguson (lot 172); Barbara Risen (lot 184)
Legal Counsel: John C. Churchill
Bookkeeper/Recording Secretary: Sue Thomson
General Manager: Joanne Hugaert

The Minutes from the December meeting having been previously reviewed, Mr. Risen made a motion to approve the December Minutes as presented. The motion was seconded, and the motion carried.

December Financials. Mr. Risen made a motion to approve the December financial reports. The motion was seconded, and the motion carried.

Mr. Risen made a motion to approve the December Bookkeeper’s Report and the prepaid bills. The motion was seconded, and the motion carried.

Ms. Hugaert reported that the holiday was quiet. She stated that homeowner Elnora Kaufman was upset because people were not notified of the lake draw down. Squeak stated that the level was dropped about 2’ today and that the notification was published in the newspaper. Mr. Chambers stated that it would take a 6’ draw down to completely drain the lake, and the level of drop is dependent upon what the Tribes at Headgate Dam require and that it doesn’t matter what the Bureau of Reclamation wants to do.

Mr. Svider asked if there was a change in procedure regarding the issuance of citations for parking violations. Ms. Hugaert responded by stating that she has recently been issuing red tag warnings to visitors due to the fact that many of these citations in the past have been protested, because the visitors’ cars in many cases do not belong to the homeowner property at which they have been illegally parked. Mr. Svider stated that the procedure was set to cite homeowners for any visitor vehicle parked illegally on a property regardless of whom the visitor actually belongs to. Mr. Risen stated that it is up to the General Manager to decide whether or not a citation is issued. Mr. Stroud stated that doors should be knocked on to determine whom the visitor vehicles belong to so that the citation can be properly issued. Ms. Hugaert stated that in June she did knock on doors, prior to the enforcement commencement date. She stated that it is necessary for all vehicles to be properly stickered so that citations are not issued to the wrong person.

Ms. Hugaert also stated that it has been difficult to enforce the no-sleeping-in-RV’s rule. Squeak reported that his RV was recently parked on his property, which caused some complaints. He stated he couldn’t find the keys to his RV storage building, but that the RV has since been moved off his property.

Mr. Ferguson asked for an update on the junk stored on lot 226. Mr. Churchill reported that the letter to the lot owner has not gone out yet, but it will go out soon. Squeak reported that Mr. Baker was going to talk to the people who are leasing the lot about the problem. Mr. Churchill stated that the letter would go out to the lot owner this month.

Poles & Chains. Ms. Hugaert reported that she is awaiting responses to the second letters sent out to the homeowners needing to move their poles and chains.

Lot 10. Ms. Thomson stated that the owner recently telephoned her to report that he is immediately seeking permits to do extensive structural modifications on his house and roof. In addition, the owner telephoned her again to report that some building materials that he had delivered to his house recently (inside the premises) had been vandalized.

Block Wall. Squeak stated that this project is on hold. Mr. Churchill stated there is a problem with the adjacent property owner. Robert Gory had called him to let Mr. Churchill know that he thinks the entrance to the adjacent property might be the Association’s gate by the mailboxes. There may be some access rights and resultant required easements. Mr. Churchill reported that the property at the proposed wall area has been conveyed to the Association, but the adjacent property owner has no other access to his property. Mr. Chambers stated that the other parcel in the vicinity is the Eunice property, and Mr. Churchill stated that it looks like there is access, but there is not, and this is not a clear-cut deal. He further stated this was the parcel in which we had all the legal description problems. He stated this adjacent property might be in the same situation as the Vista del Monumento Acres properties. He also stated that a portion of property might have been conveyed that they didn’t want to convey, as the owner needs to have access.

In an attempt to review the situation on paper, Mr. Churchill stated he did not have the maps with him, and Mr. Price requested Mr. Churchill to bring the maps to the next meeting. Mr. Chambers stated there is a stake on the boundary. Mr. Churchill stated that access could be put on the Eunice property. There was discussion about the possibility of an incorrectly prepared survey, but Mr. Churchill stated that this situation isn’t necessarily a result of an incorrect survey. Mr. Price stated that the Association’s former gate went about 12’ onto the adjacent owner’s property. Mr. Churchill reported that the necessary descriptions were obtained, interested parties were sought, demands sent, and appropriate approvals were obtained. He further stated that survey discrepancies are not uncommon, due to sophisticated survey techniques.

Gate Card Reader & New Cards. Mr. Sweeney reported that all parts are in with the exception of the power supply, which he expects to come in this week.

Lot 75 Plans. Mr. Churchill stated that he hasn’t talked with anyone in the last month, and there has been no further correspondence. He stated Mr. Sapp wants to take some measurements. Squeak reported that Mr. Sapp is working with the County on a proposed retaining wall.

Steve Green Flooding Problem. Mr. Chambers stated that he has not yet talked to Mr. Green, as he has been extremely busy with other work projects. Ms. Thomson reported there is a discrepancy in Mr. Green’s interpretation of what was to happen with the repair job, because his conversation with Mr. Baker was not what Ms. Thomson reported to Mr. Green after last month’s Board meeting. Because Mr. Baker is out of town, no one has been able to resolve the discrepancy. Squeak stated that now is the time to look at the matter, as the water has receded and that we need to speak with Mr. Baker to clarify the discrepancy.

Bob Stroud’s Flooding Problem. Mr. Stroud reported that he is having trouble getting a contractor hired. He will look in Lake Havasu City for a contractor.

Street Cracks. Ms. Hugaert stated that all streets, except Moovalya Drive, have cracks that need filling. Ms. Hugaert was requested to call Sunland, T&C Seal Coating and Diamond Back Paving to get estimates and a time frame for job completion.

Visitor Passes. Ms. Hugaert stated that she has fabricated visitor passes and is in the process of looking for a method in which to laminate them. The passes will hopefully curb some of the parking issues. Mr. Price stated that he didn’t think this would be successful. Ms. Thomson stated that regardless of the success rate of this project, the visitor pass project is an attempt to do what we can to identify all illegally parked vehicles, and since homeowners are required to display a vehicle ID sticker, visitors likewise should be required to do the same. Mr. Price made a motion that the Association spend up to $200 on supplies for visitor passes. Mr. Churchill stated that the Keys is a gated community, which by definition attempts to restrict unauthorized persons from entry. We have no guard service and no other procedure to restrict unauthorized entry. He suggested that short of doing what a real gated community does, which is contracting for 24/7 guard service to block all unauthorized persons and vehicles, he suggests that the Association appear to have a modicum of procedure. He further stated that to avoid the necessity of passing a new rule, the Association should ask homeowners to voluntarily identify visitors’ vehicles. We should initiate a program to avoid having a real gated community. He stated that towing could still be considered as an option, if the Association pays for it. Ms. Thomson stated that she would remind homeowners to affix their vehicle identification stickers. Mr. Price stated that the Keys is a small community with insufficient people to justify a guard. Mr. Churchill again stated that the Association needs a procedure; perhaps one that states that an unidentified vehicle shall be towed. Mr. Churchill stated he is not suggesting that the Association adopt such a procedure, but it should attempt to improve the situation.

Mr. Price amended his motion that the Association spend up to $200 for visitor pass supplies, and that a cover letter be sent to homeowners upon distribution of the visitor passes. There being no further discussion, the motion was seconded, and the motion carried.

APS Lights. Squeak reported that he spoke with the resident APS worker, as the street light at Papago and Moovalya is still out.

Unknown Tile Pile. Mr. Risen stated that ABC Roofing in Lake Havasu City might know whom the pile of tile west of the dumpsters belongs to. Ms. Thomson stated she would call them to inquire.

There was no new business to come before the Board.

The meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m.

Submitted by Recording Secretary, Sue Thomson