Board of Directors
Regular Meeting
AUGUST 4, 2003

President Chuck Baker called the regular meeting of the Lake Moovalya Keys Board of Directors to order August 4, 2003 at 6:10 p.m.

President: Chuck Baker
Vice President: Chris Chambers
Board Members: Joe Price, Russ Derby, Bill Risen, Gary Svider, Joe Maxwell

Secretary Treasurer: Trish Wikoff
Board Members: Tonya McPherson, Bob Stroud, Neil Kleine

Guests: Jack Sweeney, lot 197, Al McPherson, Lot 70
General Manager: Richard DiNolfi
Business Manager: Debora Schlosser
Recording Secretary: Becky Braska

Bill Risen motioned to approve the minutes as amended. Russ Derby seconded. No further discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

As of this date the balance in the Association checking account is $20662.24; the money market account balance was not available.

The month end financial statements were not available. Complete Tax Service did not have adequate time to prepare the month end statements prior to the meeting.

The board discussed procedures for following up on past due accounts. Chuck Baker directed Ms. Schlosser to prepare a spreadsheet of late accounts and the current status of the account, i.e., letters sent, liens, etc. The spreadsheet should only include accounts that are in excess of $300. The board only wants to see accounts with past due balances.


Prepaid Bills for Approval
Loan pay off $7062.43
CSW 840.00
Complete Tax 475.00
Verizon 667-2840 56.99
Verizon 667-4484 70.42
River Cities 2070.00
APS 29.92
APS 1038.54
Brooke 389.66
Verizon 667-0175 53.11
Becky Braska 80.00

Bills for Approval
Glass (Construction Refund) 750.00
Davis Building 144.57
Churchill 253.68
Advance Gate (Gate Clickers, $29/ea) 1352.88
Parker Office Supply 39.91
La Paz Awards (Name Plates) 8.59
Postage 37.00
R & D Maintenance 225.00
Parker Tree Service 660.00

Payroll - Business Manager
Richard DiNolfi 800.00
Fuel Expenses 56.18
Don Braun 577.00
Debora Schlosser 6/15-6/30 340.80
Debora Schlosser 7/1-7/15 380.93
Taxes 115.92

Russ Derby motioned to approve the bills as presented for payment. Bill Risen seconded. No further discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

Scott Coykendal stated that the Army Corp of Engineers is going to require that he follow the existing shoreline. He will not be able to cut into the existing shoreline Mr. Coykendal requested the board approve his revised plans prior to him submitting to the Army Corp of Engineers for approval. The board stated they would need the actual dimensions identified prior to granting approval. The board also requested that Mr. Coykendal address how he intends to tie in to the wing wall of the bridge. Due to the fact that the property line ends approximately six feet from the wing wall, Mr. Coykendal does not feel that the cost to tie in to the wing wall should be completely at his expense. Mr. Braun recommended Mr. Coykendal submit a proposal to the board along with estimated costs. The board requested Mr. Coykendal submit scale plans with a "topo". Russ Derby noted that the large rocks would most likely need to be removed prior to installation of the seawall; if the rocks are not moved it could restrict safe boat passage.

Mr. Baker suggested Mr. Coykendal string lines to get actual measurements from dock to dock.

Mr. DiNolfi asked Mr. Coykendal if he would authorize ticketing vehicles illegally parked on his lot. Mr. Coykendal stated that he only gave permission for people to park on his lot when the streets were being swept.

Ms. Schlosser reported that lots 89 and 169 have requested that the second quarter late fees be waived due to the fact that their statements were not received. The board discussed this request.

Joe Price motioned to deny the request to waive second quarter late fees for lots 89 and 169. Joe Maxwell seconded. No further discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Schlosser requested the board approve increasing the petty cash fund to $50.00.

Joe Price motioned to increase the petty cash fund for the business manager to $50.00. Bill Risen seconded. No further discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Schlosser reported that the new insurance policies were not received from Beaver Insurance as of this date.

The board finished reviewing Ms. Schlosser report for July 2003.

Mr. DiNolfi received a quote from CRIT P.D. off-duty officers to perform guard service. The officers will not be in uniform and have requested payment at the end of the weekend. The cost quoted is $20.00 per hour or $1680 for the weekend (2 officers).

Russ Derby motioned to leave the gate open during the upcoming holiday weekend without guard service. Joe Price seconded. Discussion: Joe Maxwell recommended accepting Mr. McPherson's proposal to borrow the recorder and cameras. Mr. Sweeney volunteered to wire the cameras, but recommended the board purchase at least two additional cameras. Mr. Sweeney will contact Mr. Chambers or Mr. Baker for authorization to purchase additional cameras with a recording device that will record up to seven days. Three board members voted to leave the gate open, two voted to keep the gate closed and one abstained.

Mr. DiNolfi recommended using the $1680 for security cameras versus hiring guard service. Al McPherson offered to donate two cameras and loan a recorder to the association. Mr. Baker stated that Radio Shack has a security surveillance system.

Mr. DiNolfi discussed the problem with the gate phone. Mr. DiNolfi reported that Verizon said the problem is not in their lines. The board discussed that the problem is with the gate phone due to the fact that homeowners are not having problems with any other calls. Ms. Schlosser will contact Verizon to have the phone fixed.

Mr. Baker informed the board that Keys II is willing to share a storage unit at Kemper Storage for document storage. The monthly cost is $41.00.

Chris Chambers motioned to share a storage unit at Kemper Storage with Keys II at a cost of $41.00 per month. Joe Price seconded. Discussion: The cost will be paid annually. No further discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

Russ Derby motioned to pay Larry Tunnel $1100.00 for the bridge repair. Chris Chambers seconded. No further discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. DiNolfi reported the signs should be ready in approximately ten days. Mr. DiNolfi claimed he was unable to contact Mr. Chambers and therefore located someone else to have the signs made up. The board approved using Chris Chamber's "Guy", and Mr. Chambers stated that he had already purchased some of the materials to make up the signs. The board said that Jason Butler would still be used to repaint the "No Wake" signs.

Mr. DiNolfi reported that he spoke with Cliff Edey and the County agreed to sweep the streets once a month.

Chris Chambers will check to see if the stucco work can be completed on the guard shack next week.

Chris Chambers reported that the fire hydrants are all operational.

Ms. Schlosser stated that Trish Wikoff sent a payment and a letter. The letter requested that late fees be reversed. Ms. Schlosser reported that Ms. Wikoff is now two quarters behind. The board will contact Ms. Wikoff to resolve her account issues.

Mr. Baker requested that board reports be submitted to Ms. Schlosser no later than ten days prior to the board meeting.

The board discussed replacing the wall on the riverside of the mailboxes. Motorcyclists use this area to gain access to and from the subdivision. This item was tabled until the board visually inspects the area.

Mr. Braun requested that the board approve installing pipes and cable on the backside of the oleanders to prevent traffic from going through the plants and grass. The board discussed and did not approve the request due to possible liability.

Cablevision has been non-responsive on backfilling a trench. The trench is currently covered with 2 x 4's. The board discussed who is responsible for the repairs; the homeowner or cablevision. The cable company did not obtain pre-authorization prior to trenching. Mr. DiNolfi stated he felt an attorney should become involved to resolve this situation. Mr. Derby stated that Mike Dyer will be filling some trenches within the next week and he could fill this trench at the same time. The board agreed to have Mike Dyer fill the trench left unfilled by cablevision. The board will decide at a later time who will be back charged for the work.

Mr. Braun requested the board approve use of an additional trash bin during the holiday weekend. The board approved this request and directed Ms. Schlosser to contact River Cities to order the bin.

Mr. DiNolfi was directed to contact APS to have the streetlight repaired in the overflow parking area.

Mr. McPherson noted that enforcement of parking in the overflow parking area has not been done. Mr. DiNolfi responded that he couldn't enforce until proper signs are posted.

The Board adjourned the regular meeting at 7:53.

Rebecca A. Braska - Approved as Amended, 9/8/03

Submitted by Recording Secretary - Rebecca A. Braska

Approved by