Board of Directors
Regular Meeting
JULY 7, 2003

President Chuck Baker called the regular meeting of the Lake Moovalya Keys Board of Directors to order July 7, 2003 at 6:06 p.m.

President: Chuck Baker
Vice President: Chris Chambers
Board Members: Joe Price, Bob Stroud, Joe Maxwell, Bill Risen Tonya McPherson, Gary Svider

Secretary Treasurer Trish Wikoff
Board Members: Russ Derby, Neil Kleine

Guests: Jack Sweeney, lot 197, Al McPherson, lot 70, Gary Cosper, lot 173, Barbara Risen, lot 184, Brian Herrell, lot 52
Legal Counsel: John Churchill
General Manager: Richard DiNolfi
Business Manager: Debora Schlosser
Recording Secretary: Becky Braska

Tonya McPherson motioned to approve the minutes as amended. Joe Price seconded. No further discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

A homeowner informed the board of a problem with the two vacant lots next to his home. The lots are currently "logged", but this has not stopped individuals from jumping the logs with vehicles and spinning tires, throwing rocks at his home. The homeowner was directed to go over the details with Mr. DiNolfi. Mr. DiNolfi was directed to address the situation.

As of this date the balance in the Association checking account is $3253.83; the money market account balance is $70,297.73.

Joe Price motioned to approve the financial statements as presented. Chris Chambers seconded. No further discussion. Motion carried unanimously.


Prepaid Bills for Approval
Verizon 57.88
Verizon 102.84
River Cities Trash 1710.00
Verizon 50.32
APS 1043.94
APS 33.91
Complete Tax Service 475.00
Brooke Water 564.54
National Bank 3110.28
Advance Gate Systems (Per Richard) 268.55
Canyon Crest (Dishonesty Bond) 212.63
Precision Striping 1182.00
Beaver Insurance (All policies per Chuck) 4230.00
Becky Braska (May & June Meeting) 160.00

Bills for Approval
Petty Cash (postage & name tags) 62.11
Parker Office Supply 126.88
Steve Jackson Backflow testing 30.00
Davis Building Supply 144.57
R&D Maintenance (Palm Tree Delivery) 75.00
R&D Maintenance (Clean debris from Canal 40.00

Payroll - Business Manager
Richard DiNolfi 800.00
Fuel Expenses 66.49
Don Braun 699.72
Debora Schlosser 5/16-5/31 228.45
Debora Schlosser 6/1-6/15 340.80
Taxes 157.17

Mr. Baker advised that he authorized the selection of Beaver Insurance for the Association's insurance policies. Beaver Insurance quoted the lowest price for all of the policies. He therefore authorized payment to activate the policies.

Joe Price motioned to approve the bills as presented. Bob Stroud seconded. No further discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

The board reviewed the current aging report. Ms. Schlosser explained that any account that was at least one quarter past due was assessed a late fee. Mr. Price disputed his balance on the aging report, Ms. Schlosser will research his account. Mr. Baker stated that Ms. Wikoff's account is past due, therefore she will be suspended from the board. If her account is not current by the next regular meeting Ms. Wikoff will be permanently removed from the board and replaced. Mr. Churchill spoke with Mr. Braman regarding the account for lot 240. Mr. Braman is residing at the residence since the passing of his wife. Mr. Braman was unaware of the delinquent account and is now making an effort to bring the account current.

Chuck Baker spoke with Ms. Brown regarding the discrepancies found in cash payments. Ms. Brown could not explain the discrepancies, and has therefore agreed to pay the amount of $2487.50 (the amount in question). Ms. Brown did request that if the association located the monies in question that the amount be returned to her in full.

The board reviewed the business manager's report.

Mr. DiNolfi stated that the new buoys will be installed tomorrow. The board reviewed and discussed the General Manager's report.

Mr. DiNolfi informed the board that the striping appeared to be helpful during the past holiday weekend. Mr. Chambers drove a fire truck through the subdivision and went door to door asking that vehicles parked outside of the lines be moved. Mr. Chambers noted that all of the individuals approached were cooperative.

Mr. DiNolfi has tagged a vehicle on lot 171. Mr. DiNolfi requested that the board approve the following fines for parking violations:
Vehicles parked outside the white lines $25 per day.
Common lot parking $10 per day after seven days, towed after 15 days.
Motor homes illegally parking or occupied $50 per day, towed after 5 days plus a fine.
Repeat offenses - towed at the owner's expense.

The board tabled this item until later in the meeting.

The board discussed the guard service during the 4th of July holiday. The board in general felt the service was "terrible". Mr. McPherson noted that he contacted Mr. DiNolfi regarding the guard service. Mr. McPherson stated that Mr. DiNolfi did his job, but the guards were "just terrible".

Mr. Chambers received a bid to remodel the guard in the amount of $3600. Roofing was not included in the bid. Mr. DiNolfi volunteered to donate roof tiles (as pictured) to the association for use on the guardhouse.

Joe Price motioned to remodel the guardhouse, total cost of the project not to exceed $4500. Bill Risen seconded. Discussion: Ms. McPherson asked what part of the guardhouse is to be demolished. Mr. Chambers explained that the part of the project that will be demolished and removed is the roof. No further discussion. Motion carried. Mr. Chambers abstained from the vote.

The board reviewed the groundskeeper report. The board discussed hiring a gardener. Mr. DiNolfi received a quote from a gardening service in the amount of $400 per month. The bid would include maintaining the lawn, trimming the oleanders, sweeping the trash area (one to two times a week).

Mr. DiNolfi purchased sprinkler heads to alleviate the need to hand water. Mr. Price stated that there was not enough water pressure to use the sprinklers. Mr. DiNolfi stated that as long as only one valve was turned on at a time, there was plenty of pressure.

Joe Price motioned to hire DeArcos to perform the gardening service. Gary Svider seconded. Discussion: Mr. Stroud stated that word does get out and "so called employees" are talking out of line. He feels that teamwork is necessary. Mr. DiNolfi stated that he was asked to obtain a quote, and he does not care one way or the other whether he's working with a gardener or with Don Braun. Mr. Baker suggested contacting Mr. Braun and advising him that Mr. DiNolfi is his direct supervisor and that the board feels it is essential to cut costs in that area. If Mr. Braun does not want to accept those terms, then Mr. Baker would recommend hiring an outside service. Joe Price withdrew his motion.

Joe Price motioned to give Don Braun the option of working under the terms described above, and if he does not agree to those terms Mr. Price motioned to hire DeArcos. Chris Chambers seconded. No further discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Chambers reported that the fire hydrants are complete. Testing will be scheduled sometime within the following week.

Mr. Churchill stated he has not heard back from the water company regarding the boat ramp.

Ms. Schlosser received five responses from Vista Del Monumento property owners. Two homeowners stated that they currently have trash service through River Cities. The others have agreed to pay for the service.

Since the board has decided to maintain Vista Del Monumento property owners names on the gate board, Ms. Schlosser recommended that they be billed for the name tiles and suggested that the board approach Vista Del Monumento about purchasing their own name board. The board felt is was better to maintain control of the board. Ms. Schlosser stated, in that case a larger board would need to be purchased as several Keys homeowners are not on the board at this time and have requested to have their names posted.

The board discussed and reviewed the revised bylaws for approval.

Bill Risen motioned to approve the bylaws as presented. Joe Price seconded. No further discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

Joe Price received a bid for street sweeping in the amount of $50 per hour. Mr. Price was directed to provide Mr. DiNolfi with all of the information on the bidder.

The board discussed the current system of invoicing dues. The current invoice states that the charges are due upon receipt; late charges apply if not paid within thirty days of invoice date. The late fee, per the CC&R's is 10% of the unpaid balance. The CC&R's currently state that late charges are to be applied after ten days.

Bill Risen motioned to waived the late fee for twenty additional days, extending the late fee charge to thirty days. Chris Chambers seconded. No further discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Baker recommended the board approve paying off the note payable with National Bank. The principle balance is currently $7031.41.

Bill Risen motioned to pay the National Bank note payable in full. Bob Stroud seconded. Discussion: Mr. Price said to make sure to get the re-conveyance. No further discussion.. Motion carried unanimously. Ms. Schlosser was directed to have Liz pay the note in full.

Mr. Baker requested the board approve rental of an 8 x 10 storage unit to store the association's records. Mr. DiNolfi stated that Keys II would be interested in sharing a storage. Mr. DiNolfi was directed to research and return to the board with rental prices.

Mr. Stroud spoke with his attorney regarding the drainage problems created by the recent paving. Mr. Stroud's attorney recommends "he put this issue in the hands of those with some authority". Mr. Stroud thought it might be appropriate for Mr. DiNolfi to research. Mr. Baker recommended that Mr. Stroud return to the Sanitary District with his claim.

Mr. DiNolfi handed a list of recommended signs as follows:
No Diving, No Fishing, No Jumping (on the bridges)
Stop Sign (Mr. Risen has a sign to donate)
Trash Bin Signs
2 Ea - Household Trash Only and Transfer Station information
Street Parking Signs
Complex Sign (At gate)
Caution Sign (At gate)
Dog Sign
Speed Limit Sign (to include) Only you can prevent speed bumps
No Wake sign

Joe Price motioned to have the above signs made and installed. Chris Chambers seconded. No further discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

The board discussed the list of fines previously proposed by Mr. DiNolfi. Mr. Churchill stated that the Board has the authority through the CC&R's to impose fines for CC&R violations. Ms. McPherson stated she felt homeowners should be adequately warned of the fines before the fines are imposed. Ms. McPherson stated, "basically the board has the power to allow Richard to fine for CC&R violations, the board just needs to be careful how it's worded.
Joe Price referred to Mr. Coykendahl's request of 38 feet as documented in the minutes. Mr. Price stated Mr. Coykendahl requested 39 feet, not 38.

Ms. McPherson asked who is responsible for notifying individuals of board decisions. Ms. Schlosser was directed to follow-up in writing to notify individuals on all board decisions.

Mr. Price said the undersides of the bridges need to be completed or the bolts need to be removed. Mr. DiNolfi and Mr. Price will review and report at the next regular meeting.

The board discussed the warranty performance of the gate, and found it to be unacceptable. Ms. Schlosser was directed to find out whom Miraleste Shores uses for their gate.

Reports were received that the gate phone and the card slot are not working properly.

Ms. Schlosser reported that Liz from Complete Tax Service invoiced the association $84.45 for postage. The board discussed and agreed to pay as invoiced.

Ms. McPherson asked if Mr. DiNolfi could check on a street light that is out on Moovalya Drive and contact APS.

Mr. McPherson said there is a new domain "US" and asked if the board cared if someone used the associations website name with the US extension. The board did not feel this was an issue.

Joe Price informed the board of sewer gas entering his home. He advised that the Sanitary District will perform a "smoke test" to determine where sewer gas is entering your home if necessary.

The Board adjourned the regular meeting at 8:10 p.m. and convened to executive session.

Submitted By Rebecca A. Braska, Recording Secretary